

Uhrenfabrik Junghans GmbH & Co. KG
Geißhaldenstraße 49
D - 78713 Schramberg (Switzerland)

Tel. : +49 7422 18-0





The German watch - For more than 150 years, the Junghans brand has stood for quality, reliability and passion. Based in Schramberg, Germany, the long- established, independent company designs and manufactures watches that set new standards and are held in high regard around the world. Having close ties to the company’s location and being committed to the values that Junghans embodies, the owners work hard to maintain tra- ditions and to move purposefully forward to a successful future. Tradi- tion and an unswerving spirit of innovation are also reflected in the de- sign and engineering of the company’s watches. In this regard the spec- trum embraces all current watchmaking technologies: from classic me- chanical watches and quartz technology all the way to the company’s own radio-controlled and solar technology. With innovative products ‘Made in Germany’ and an international outlook, Junghans will continue in future to further develop the unique success story of the watch with the star.